At we believe:
Our society is suffering from chronic loneliness, isolation, and depression, especially elders who are marginalized and seen as helpless or hopeless simply due to age. Our solution is to grow a Giving Forward Culture to pass on our legacy stories and values from grandparents to grandkids with hope and practical help.
Our GOAL here is to grow a Giving Community of Pickleball Players of all generations to Co-create a Living Legacy Storytelling Platform to record and save the lessons and wisdom of elders and youth to remember who we are and what our gifts are from past generations.
The pragmatic purpose here is to grow a Volunteer Coaching program for new Pickleball players in cooperation with local Community Centers, increase health span, and give new energy to older bodies through the power of Pickleball play as my wife and I have found. We need to recruit Pickleball Community Hero’s who truly care about their neighbors and friends like family.
As CEO, David is honoring his hero’s in business and life, his paternal grandparents Claudia and Elmer Nelson who were married the same year as the Great Depression in 1929. I will share more of their story as we begin an “AHA Storytelling 5 Day Challenge” for seniors and FREE online seminars we call, Co-Creating an Attitude of Gratitude for every Breath” with storytelling challenges for all ages.
My grandparents taught me that “Co-creating True Wealth is Pure Health.” So by helping all ages to play safely, improve movement and flexibility, free of pain for life we believe we will leave the world a great story and brighter future by rebuilding trust across generations.
David Nelson
David Nelson is a father, husband, philanthropist, healthy aging lifestyle coach, speaker, author, and nature lover.
David’s legacy is being co-created across generations on a Living Legacy Platform we call AHA.University (A Healthy Aging University).
His passion is to help individuals and families retrain their body and reinvent their mind as the first AHA Lifestyles Coach by reconnecting with their Inner Coach ability to heal inside out to learn and grow beyond fear, by embracing JOY!
David started out life as a handicapped 4-year-old boy in leg braces, like in the movie “Forrest Gump”. He has been an example of how to overcome disabilities and health challenges for 65 years.
He is living his message with integrity and wants to continue this legacy to empower elders, parents, and youth to enjoy a rich quality of life and retrain natural health coaches to follow this same path to peace of mind and joy.
AHA.University, Founder and Owner of an online university with courses in Healthy Aging and a Personal Leadership series, “Foundations of Heartfelt Leadership” and a podcast, “Celebrate Aging Roadshow”
David is a poet, and author of our book “A Pickleball Love Story”
Carolina Nelson
Carolina was born in Recife, Brazil, mother of 2 children, wife, she has an entrepreneurial background. I have a passion to listen to everyone that needs to talk and has a great sense of humor; “Laughter is the Best Medicine”.
Carolina retired from her remote full-time job as Licensed Health Insurance Agent April 1st, 2024, with a specialty in Medicare, to embark on a “Powerful Entrepreneurial Journey.”
Carolina’s legacy is being co-created across generations on a Living Legacy Platform we call AHA.University (A Healthy Aging University), with her husband David.
Carolina is working on retraining my body to become an Athlete and Pickleball Coach, after finishing with an innovative method of “Metabolism Reset.” I am very proud and optimistic to be part of this program, to help others to obtain their optimization of daily goals of losing weight, live a Healthy Aging Lifestyle, and staying healthy for a lifetime!
Carolina is a poet, and co-author of our book “A Pickleball Love Story.”